Undergraduate Student Paper Contest:
Building Peace Through Dialogue & Understanding

The Baskerville Institute invites submissions for its Undergraduate Student Forum titled “Building a Better Future: Learning to Build Peace Through Dialogue and Understanding,” scheduled for February 22, 2025, in Salt Lake City, Utah. This forum will explore the crucial role of dialogue and understanding in fostering peace and reconciliation, engaging participants in discussions on the challenges and opportunities of building bridges among diverse communities, promoting intercultural understanding, and addressing the root causes of conflict. The top three applicants will receive full travel expenses to attend the “Diplomacy of the Heart: Building Bridges for Peace in Central Asia and the Middle East” event in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, from April 27 – 29, 2025.
For more information, download the contest flyer and rubric or reach out to Delara Hosseini (delahoss2019@gmail.com).
Read Our Latest Newsletter!

Winter 2024 Newsletter
STUDENT FORUM The Baskerville Institute invites submissions for its Undergraduate Student Forum titled "Building a Better Future: Learning to Build Peace Through Dialogue and Understanding," scheduled for February 22, 2025, in Salt Lake City, Utah. This forum will...
Announcement: New Sport & Friendship Ambassador, Sam Rezaei!

Sam Rezaei has been chosen by the Baskerville Institute to serve as our Sports Ambassador for Friendship and Peace from 2024 to 2026. In this role, Sam will participate in various activities and initiatives aimed at strengthening bonds between Americans and Iranians through sports.
As Grand Master Jhoon Rhee said, “The spirit of Taekwondo is one of cooperation and understanding. We train together, compete together, and learn from each other, forging strong bonds of international friendship.”
New Initiative:
Baskerville Institute Digital Friendship (BIDF)
Imagine a world where borders and boundaries do not limit education. A world where students from Iran and America can connect with one another and share their experiences and knowledge without ever having to leave their homes. Baskerville Digital Friendship (BIDF) is an online platform that offers Iranian students the opportunity to take online courses from top American universities.
BIDF is more than just an online learning platform. It’s a community of students from Iran and the United States who are passionate about learning and making a difference.
Join our digital community and start your journey to a brighter future.

The Baskerville Institute’s dedication to examining the theological and ethical foundations of friendship allows us to understand the importance of different perspectives in the process of building community. The Civic Friendship Initiative aims to promote the highest expression of humanity and generate friendship symbols that preserve societal friendship. For the Baskerville Institute, civic friendship is vital for the continued growth and development of our Institute.

The Story of Louise Firouz, the American who Discovered the Caspian Horse in Iran
Baskerville Institute is dedicated to enhancing friendship and understanding between Americans and Iranians. We highlight the many ways in which Americans and Iranians have collaborated to make the world a better place.
By focusing on the positive contributions that Americans and Iranians have made to one another, and we can help to build an understanding relationship and a peaceful world.

Christianity & Islam: Friendship & Contemporary Challenges
Religion has often been used to divide people and vilify those of other faith traditions. However, we believe that a profound understanding of both Christianity and Islam will lead to the rejection of violence and extremism and the affirmation of peace and coexistence. This webinar will explore the ways in which Muslims and Christians can walk together in friendship to build the peaceful world that God intended. Our distinguished panel of academics and religious leaders from Iran and the United States will guide us through this important discussion at this critical juncture: Christianity and Islam, Friendship, and Contemporary Challenges.
Brought to you by our partnership with Luke 10 and the Baskerville Institute.