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The Baskerville Institute staff are committed to fostering greater mutual understanding between Americans and Iranians. They work on fresh ideas, bring energy to our work, and provide invaluable support in fulfilling our mission.

Our interns play a crucial role. We are proud to support these emerging leaders as they develop skills and gain experience in building bridges between nations.

Contact Us

Delara Hosseini

Project Manager

Delara Hosseini is Project Manager at the Baskerville Institute. After receiving her undergraduate degree in History from the University of Utah, including a minor in Persian Language & Culture, she is dedicated to promoting friendship between Americans and Iranians, assisting in the implementation of the projects, ensuring that all projects are delivered with excellence. Delara is currently pursuing a graduate MBA at Westminster University, focusing on nonprofit management.


(385) 253-8069

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Sam Ames

Assistant Project Manager

Sam Ames is a Baskerville Institute Summer 2024 intern. Currently a Senior at Brigham Young University, he is majoring in Middle East Studies and Arabic with minors in Economics and Political Science. Sam’s interest in Middle Eastern politics is what motivated him to apply for this internship. Sam hopes to deepen his understanding of US-Iranian relations and learn more about the Persian diaspora community in his home state of Utah.

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Thurman Lincoln

Assistant Project Manager

Thurman Lincoln is a Baskerville Institute Summer 2024 intern. He is a senior at Brigham Young University, where he will graduate with a degree in Family Studies, hoping to go to graduate school for Social Work. Growing up, he lived in the Middle East for four years, and later served a two-year Persian-speaking ecclesiastical mission in Los Angeles. He is excited for this opportunity to work with the Baskerville Institute to pursue opportunities in macro-social work by helping build stronger bonds between American and Iranian communities.